
2024.2 Novas funcionalidades

Última atualização em 2024-11-05

Funcionalidades principais

ver 2024.2.120

Simulação GPU

Obtenha uma simulação mais rápida com o mesmo nível de precisão e tratamento de colisões da simulação de CPU.

ver 2024.2.120

Simulação de Aviamentos

Os aviamentos podem interagir com roupas em movimentos realistas.

ver 2024.2.120

Ajustar o Formato do Seio

Representa diversas formas de seio personalizando sua forma, espaçamento e altura.

ver 2024.2.120

Nova Janela da Biblioteca

Encontre e gerencie recursos facilmente com uma interface intuitiva na janela da biblioteca.

Outras funcionalidades

Última atualização em 2024-11-05

Interface Clara do CLO

Um tema claro elegante e vibrante está disponível, oferecendo uma estética agradável, com alteração fácil entre temas escuros e claros.

Colorway | Atribuir Somente ao Colorway Atual

Arraste e solte itens como tecidos e gráficos diretamente no Editor Colorway para aplicá-los. A opção de atribuir itens somente ao colorway atual agora é oferecida.

Colorway | Ocultar Outros Gráficos

Oculte vários gráficos simultaneamente no Editor Colorway.

Troca de Cor

Substitua a cor do tecido sólido mantendo a mesma precisão da cor.

Gerador de Tecidos | Composição Personalizada

Combine livremente vários componentes de tecido para criar o tecido desejado.

Geração de grupos de Pelos

Gere facilmente mapas de pelos para expressar pelos realistas.

Paleta de Cores Pantone

A nova paleta de cores PANTONE® FHI Cotton TCX 2801 LAB está disponível.

Melhoria do Linha do Fio

Defina o ângulo e a direção da linha do fio de forma mais intuitiva.

Desvincular Linha Interna

Desvincule linhas internas em moldes simétricos mantendo a simetria do molde.

Extensão da Fita de Costura

Basta estender os pontos inicial e final da fita de costura para alinhá-la com o contorno do molde.

Melhorias de POM

Organize seus Pontos de Medida em pastas e mostre ou oculte facilmente tamanhos de gradação específicos.


Adicione tamanhos menores ao grupo de tamanhos ou insira um tamanho específico entre os existentes.


Aplique gradação aos aviamentos colados.

Duplicar Pins para Moldes Simétricos

Duplique pins em moldes simétricos e alterne a visibilidade dos pins nas janelas 2D e Print Layout.

Melhoria de Encaixe

Calcule com precisão o consumo de tecido aplicando o encaixe à tamanhos agrupados e variantes de cores.

Revisão de Grade

O mapa de pressão pode ser acessado na janela Revisão de Grade.

Deslocamento da Junta do Avatar

Ajuste os deslocamentos das juntas do avatar para vários formatos corporais utilizando um único arquivo de movimento.

Melhorias de Juntas do Avatar

Selecione e ajuste facilmente as juntas do avatar ou oculte uma junta específica.

Poses e movimento do avatar

Converta poses e movimentos de arquivos FBX para um formato compatível com avatares CLO.

Dividir Malha do Avatar

Aplique uma superfície suave aos avatares CLO ajustando a resolução da malha.

Predefinição de Botão de Metal

Crie botões metálicos rapidamente com predefinições de metal.

Deslocamento Z do Caseado

Ajusta o deslocamento Z dos caseados para definir a ordem de posicionamento.

Modo Modular | Evitar Combinar Estilos

É fornecida uma opção para evitar a combinação entre blocos de estilos diferentes.

Modo Modular | Costura com Piques

Alinhe as linhas de costura com os piques para maior precisão no design modular.

Melhoria da Malha Quadrangular

É oferecida uma conversão mais precisa da malha quadrangular para lidar com dobras complexas enquanto mantém uma malha estruturada.

Variantes de Cor Panorámicas

Renderize todas as variantes de cor como uma única imagem panorâmica.

EveryWear | Melhoria de Rigging

Desfrute de uma experiência EveryWear aprimorada com riggings precisos para exportações de conteúdo digital mais fluidas.

USD | Animação

Exporte animações como parte de arquivos USD.

API | Pendurar automaticamente

Simule automaticamente roupas em cabides com a API Pendurar Automaticamente, compatível com partes de cima e partes de baixo.

CLO Chatbot com IA

O chatbot AI oferece soluções rápidas e eficientes para tudo, desde consultas simples até questões complexas relacionadas ao CLO.

Integração de conta CLO-SET

A integração da conta CLO-SET é oferecida para usuários empresariais, permitindo uma experiência de usuário simplificada para todos os produtos e serviços CLO Virtual Fashion. Com esta integração, a colaboração empresarial fica ainda mais simples através do recurso Userpool, que permite a gestão e atualização sem esforço de contas CLO-SET a partir de uma única página.

Liberado recentemente

CLO Software


Notas de correção

Update on 27 de fevereiro de 2025, ver2024.2.328


  • Fixed an issue that caused a crash when loading certain PDF files as a graphic
  • Fixed an issue that caused fitting suits not to be saved per each grading size
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Mirror Creation option not to work when using the Register Accessory feature
  • Prevented incorrectly created FBX files from being registered as an accessory
  • Fixed an issue that caused PSB images not to appear from the Render View
  • Fixed an issue that caused different numbers of points to be generated on internal lines in some patterns
  • Fixed an issue that caused incorrect line length values to be displayed on the Property Editor when using the Change Length feature in Inch units
  • Fixed an issue that caused lighting to not be applied during rendering when loading a custom view
  • Fixed an issue that caused colorway information to be excluded from GLB export
  • Fixed an issue that caused pattern UVs to be excluded from file exports when the garment file contains incorrectly generated trims
  • Fixed an issue that caused graphics with fur material type to be displayed in the wrong position during rendering
  • Fixed an issue that caused incorrect thumbnail to be displayed in the button preview in the Library Window
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Add as Graphic feature not to work correctly for .ai files from the New Library Window
  • Fixed an issue that caused scroll bar length in the New Library Window to not be synchronized with the actual number of items
  • Fixed an issue that caused some right-click context menu options to not be displayed for CLO-SET items in the New Library Window
  • Fixed an issue that caused layout changes in the colorway snapshot to not be displayed correctly
  • Fixed an issue that caused the user-defined font size to not be applied when saving 2D snapshots

Update on 19 de fevereiro de 2025, ver2024.2.296


  • Fixed an issue where the CLO-SET tree menu on the left did not load its subfolders
  • Fixed an issue that caused clicking the 'Go to CLO-SET' icon led to the wrong webpage for Enterprise URLs
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Add Point to Pattern on Start/End feature to not work

Update on 5 de fevereiro de 2025, ver2024.2.284


Modular Library | Hierarchy Extension

A line hierarchy has been added between categories and styles for more detailed organization.

Modular Library | Library Maintenance

Editing of the Modular Library has been restricted to maintain its original state.

Print Layout Mode | Header Information Enhancement

The number of garments placed on fabric can be easily checked.

Sort | CLO-SET Sort Enhancement

Recently viewed items can be sorted in the CLO-SET tab of the new Library Window.


  • Fixed an issue that caused a crash when deleting registered CLO API plugins in the User Setting
  • Fixed an issue that caused a crash when adding a size above the selected size after adding a Grading Group
  • Fixed an issue that caused a crash when loading garments with zippers created in previous versions
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Turned option for sewing line types to not function correctly
  • Fixed an issue that caused arrangement points to be obscured by avatar bounding volumes
  • Fixed an issue that caused multiple warnings to be displayed when the Alvanon certification file was not registered
  • Fixed an issue that caused some sewn patterns to appear spread apart in Thick Textured Surface mode
  • Fixed an issue that caused Add as Graphic feature to not work in the new Library Window
  • Fixed an issue that caused only downloads to proceed when using the Open/Add Previous Version feature in the new Library Window for garments that had not been downloaded
  • Fixed an issue that caused items without granted permissions to not be displayed in the new Library Window
  • Fixed an issue that caused Add as Graphic feature to not work in the CLO-SET tab of the Library Window
  • Fixed an issue that caused graded curves to not be maintained correctly when using Cut on graded patterns
  • Fixed an issue that caused the graded curvature to change when merging graded patterns
  • Fixed an issue that caused avatars to deform when applying pose files created with a FBX file from Blender to kid avatars
  • Fixed an issue that caused tiled graphics to appear stretched when rendering
  • Fixed an issue that caused properties applied to symmetric patterns to be removed when using Convert to Curve Point on a line with elastic or shirring applied
  • Fixed an issue that caused topstitches to be hidden after running simulation in the Grading Review Editor
  • Fixed an issue that caused some qtx files to not be registered in the Color Palette
  • Fixed an issue that caused frozen patterns with Add'l Thickness - Rendering applied to deform when running simulations
  • Fixed an issue that caused pins to move in the 3D window during simulation
  • Fixed an issue that caused some patterns to appear deformed when loading DXF files exported from Lectra using specific options
  • Fixed an issue that caused some segment points to be missing when loading DXF files exported from Lectra
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Skin Offset value of avatars with Divide Mesh applied to not be saved
  • Fixed an issue that caused pins to not be created in the correct symmetric position when creating a symmetric pattern
  • Fixed an issue that caused zipper teeth to not appear extended when hiding stoppers on OBJ type zippers
  • Fixed an issue that caused textures to change when applying the Color Switch feature
  • Fixed an issue that caused patterns with JPG textures to appear rotated when exporting as PDF
  • Fixed an issue that caused changes to the rotation angle of base color map in the Property Editor to apply to all maps
  • Fixed an issue that caused the number of graded patterns to not be displayed after pattern nesting
  • Fixed an issue that caused an incorrect file to be generated when exporting a garment that contains trims with improper UVs as glTF
  • Fixed an issue that caused linked editing to be removed in symmetric patterns when using Merge Point to an overlapping point of internal lines
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Light Property Editor to be displayed when starting a new project
  • Fixed an issue that caused avatars with Divide Mesh applied to deform when changing its size
  • Fixed an issue that caused transformation values of a normal map to change when exporting as OBJ

Update on 16 de dezembro de 2024, ver2024.2.214


  • Fixed an issue that caused some buttons in the UI to not appear
  • Fixed an issue that caused Simulation and Rendering to be slower than previous versions on some Intel-based Macs
  • Fixed an issue that caused the normal map to be incorrectly baked when using Bake Textures in the UV Editor with non-default Normal Blending settings
  • Fixed an issue that caused glued trims to be mislocated when loading garments
  • Fixed an issue that caused some trim objects to be mislocated when importing USD files as Trim or Scene & Props
  • Fixed an issue that caused parts of the mesh to pop when running Play Motion on certain garment files
  • Fixed an issue that caused animation frame intervals to become inconsistent when Simulation Quality is set to 10 or higher
  • Fixed an issue that caused zipper stoppers to be mislocated when registering OBJ files
  • Fixed an issue that caused print images to not be included when saving PRT files for garments with colorways
  • Fixed an issue that caused pattern names to change when exporting as an FBX file
  • Fixed an issue that caused buttons to be mislocated in the 3D window when using Fold Arrangement
  • Fixed an issue that caused avatar hands to deform when opening the Avatar Editor after loading certain AVS files
  • Fixed an issue that caused buttons to be mislocated when loading garment files saved in earlier versions of CLO
  • Fixed an issue that caused buttons to appear deformed when registering OBJ files with normal maps as buttons
  • Fixed an issue that caused arrangement point sizes to change when scaling OBJ files
  • Fixed an issue that caused some meshes to be misaligned when saving quad-meshed patterns

Update on 25 de novembro de 2024, ver2024.2.160


Print Layout | Plotter

Additional information such as product name, grading, and grainline direction can be viewed in the Print Layout Mode and exported as a PLT file.


The avatar size file name applied to each grading is available in the Pair Avatar tab.

2D Window Background Image

The size of an image added as a background is maintained at its actual scale.


  • Fixed an issue that caused grading size changes for graphics resulted in different offset values being applied to each colorway
  • Fixed an issue that caused a crash when undoing after merging symmetric patterns sewn to internal lines in Thick Texture Surface view
  • Fixed an issue that caused a crash when applying Divide Mesh to certain OBJ files imported as avatars
  • Fixed an issue that caused a crash when using Auto Fitting on certain garments after replacing the avatar
  • Fixed an issue that caused a crash when changing the Garment Rendering Style while using Thick Textured Surface view from the Grading Review mode and exiting from it
  • Fixed an issue that caused a crash when changing the Garment Rendering Style from the Grading Review mode without any garments in the scene
  • Fixed an issue that caused graphics to be rendered incorrectly when the graphic texture is set to repeat
  • Fixed an issue that caused grading to not be applied to fastened buttonholes on patterns in the layers between the buttonhole and button head, as defined by the Set Number of Sewing Layers feature
  • Fixed an issue that caused certain avatars disappears when performing an update in Grading Review mode
  • Fixed an issue that caused patterns appears broken when changing the Garment Rendering Style in Grading Review mode
  • Fixed an issue that caused grading size name changes failed to sync in Grading Review mode
  • Fixed an issue that caused the grading of bonded patterns to not be fully displayed during pattern nesting
  • Fixed an issue that caused graded internal lines on symmetric patterns appears incorrectly
  • Fixed an issue that caused items to not be applied via drag & drop when the new Library Window is in list view
  • Fixed an issue that caused the right-click menu to not appear in user-added folders in the new Library Window
  • Fixed an issue that caused normal maps to be saved incorrectly when texture baking from the UV Editor after changing the Normal Blending Method
  • Fixed an issue that caused the preview thumbnail of button heads to not appear in the Library Window
  • Fixed an issue that caused curve points on the outer edges of locked patterns to allow to be edited
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Z-Offset value of graphics to be incorrect

Update on 11 de novembro de 2024, ver2024.2.136


  • Fixed an issue that caused CLO to fail to launch after a live update on some Windows PCs
  • Fixed an issue that caused a crash when using Texture Editor after applying Color Switch to Base Color Map
  • Fixed an issue that caused a crash when adding color chips after modifying some custom palettes
  • Fixed an issue that caused the program to stop when clicking an empty area in the new Library window
  • Fixed an issue that caused a locked baseline to be editable with the Edit Curve Point tool
  • Fixed an issue that caused sewing lines to be misaligned when using the Replace feature on certain patterns
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Y keyboard shortcut to not work
  • Fixed an issue that caused bindings to not be created on some garments
  • Fixed an issue that caused grainline direction not to be maintained after cutting or merging symmetric patterns
  • Fixed an issue that caused seamlines to change in appearance in the 3D window after repeatedly toggling simulation on and off
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